We all know that our homes’ roof is vital and should be regularly inspected to avoid costly repairs. After all, repairing a cracked tile quickly will always be cheaper than dealing with a nasty leak, isn’t it?

But when is the best time to scale the roof, checking for any damage? It’s hard to know when we should be pulling the ladders out or hiring a professional roofer to give us the all-clear, isn’t it?

But have no fear, we are here to help avoid those nasty costs! Let’s look at when the best time of year is to do a roof inspection!

When should I inspect my roof?

The best time of year to inspect your roof is springtime. The weather is changing, it’s a little warmer, and it’s time to get your ladders out and head for the roof!

We see many roof damages occur during the winter months, so once they have passed, it’s a good idea to check the roof for any damages. The cold weather we see in our brutally British winters brings with it wind, rain, and occasionally snow, which can damage our roofs.

So what kind of damage can you expect to see? The winter weather can cause a range of damage to your roof, such as:

Storm and snow damage:

The damage can cause cracked tiles, gutter pipes, or large amounts of water pooling in parts of the roof. Storms can disrupt tiles, chimneys, or any wires running near your roof, all of which can cause breakages resulting in leaks or other dangerous issues.

Vegetation damage and build-up of debris and mould

Plants or any vegetation can cause issues to your roof. Whether you have a green roof or not, vegetation damage can cause leaks and unroot any tiles or structural aspects of your roof.

A buildup of debris and mould can also be dangerous. It can stop the needed drainage from taking place, leading to blockages and potential leaks. Be sure to check the tiles for signs of damage, any rogue vegetation, or unusual debris that could cause further damage to your roof.

If you are unsure, have a professional come to clear the debris or other damage.

Obstructed drains/gutters

Obstructed drains and gutters are common causes of leaks and burst pipes along your roof. It’s a good idea while you are already on the ladder to clear out your drains and gutters. Excess leaves and other debris can end up deposited in your gutters during storm weather, causing unnecessary blockages.

You can hire a professional to do this, too, if you are unsure, with most work taking no longer than a few hours depending on the amount of guttering and the extent of debris in them.


The weather is responsible for most of the issues we have covered today, particularly on older roofs. Be sure to check the tiles for any cracks, damage, or sliding, which can expose parts of the roof, leading to leaks.

If you are unsure about what you are looking for, why not hire a professional to check it out? You can usually get your roof inspected at a reasonable price, offering you peace of mind knowing a leak is unlikely to happen soon!

These issues can reduce your roof’s lifespan and threaten your property’s structural integrity, leading to expensive repairs later down the line. For example, blocked gutters can impact the movement of rainwater, leading to burst pipes and leaks that leave costly repairs in their wake.

As well as structural issues, weak spots in your roof can be a security issue. That’s right; criminals will see these weak spots as a way into your home! Any structural issues must be dealt with swiftly to avoid any break-ins. Small animals can also use these gaps as ways into your house, and before you know it, there’s a family of bats or little birds making a mess in your attic! It’s best to check the roof to avoid any of these potential issues arising.

Final word

So there you have it! The best time of year to have your roof inspected is Springtime! The ground and air are drier and warmer, allowing for a pleasant inspection of the damage the previous winter has caused.

A springtime inspection will ensure that your roof is ready for the year ahead and your home safe and secure. But don’t just take our word for it; why not book a roof inspection today?